Monday, September 12, 2011

The Devil Is In The Details

Riding on the bike path near Seward park on Lake Washington, I hear an Asian girl talking on the phone on the grass. She is  complaining about a man.
“I just want a man who is not so big. More thin....”
I think, “hey!, I fit that description.” My gut is telling me to go talk to her. I pause for a second wondering if this is going to be creepy, but my gut is giving me the all systems go. I approach her, still on the phone. 
“I heard you are not happy with your boyfriend?” I say
“Can you hold on just a second?” She says into her phone. She presses some mute button on her phone. 
“Yeah, I want a guy who is more active. I like riding bikes and playing tennis. I can’t get him to do any of these things. And I don’t find him that attractive. But he has been a friend before we were dating.” She says. 
“I think you should find somebody better.” I say “I like biking and tennis.”
“Oh, you do?” she says. “I’m talking to my good friend right now. I’ll give you my number. Send me a text with your first and last name.”
“Sure” I say, taking out my phone.
“My names Jessica. What’s your name?” she says
“It’s Luke” I say. She reads me her number and I input it into my phone.
“Let’s go biking sometime.” she says. Next to her, I notice the shiny white road bike for the first time.
“Great” I say
I bike off happy. I think about her as I ride my bike. About 15 minutes later, I stop and text her
Me: [Full Name] Let's go biking :) Wed or Thur is good for me this week
Her: Who is this??? 
Me: Uhh...we just met 15 or 20 min ago. I was the guy on the bike.... 
Her: Umm??? Wtf are you talking about??? I'm a 17 year old girl sitting at home playing call of duty... She gave you the wrong number. I have no idea who u are 
Me: No shit! Lol 
Her: Umm... Yeah... Sorry about your loss. 
Me: Yeah, that sucks. She was dope 
Her: I understand. But hey... At least you didn't get the rejection hotline right? Kinda immature I know but sometimes people are like that 
Me: What's rejection hotline? Anyway, enjoy call of duty :) 
Her: Its a prank calling system. I will! 
Me: Haha What kind of girl plays call of duty? 
Her: Umm an awesome one 
Me: Good answer 
Her: Well also, a girl that was raised with boys. 
Me: I was a boy raised with girls. Not once did I play barbie 
Her: That's okay. Neither did I 
Me: But I get ur point - I was just teasing 
Her: Oh okay :p 
Me: Shouldn't u be doing homework? 
Her: Not in school anymore 
Me: At 17? Genius or drop out or both? Both. 
Her: I had to transfer school districts and they didn't keep any of my credits which made me two years behind. So I decided to get my GED and go to college Me: Not a bad deal. HS sucks 
Her: I agree. And I'd rather be in college doing hands on work anyways 
Me: Hands on work? Like on cars or something? 
Her: Yeah! Cars :) mechanic :) 
Me: Gee how did I know? ;) 
Her: I honestly have no idea. 
Me: The devil is in the details 

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